Our Top 10 digital detox posts of 2015


06 Jan Our Top 10 digital detox posts of 2015

  1. Our Top 10 digital detox posts of 2015
  2. Our Top 10 digital detox posts of 2017
  3. Our Top 10 digital detox posts of 2018
  4. Our Top 10 digital detox blogs of 2019
  5. Our Top 10 digital detox blogs of 2020
  6. Our Top 10 most-read digital detox articles of 2021
  7. Our Top 10 most-read digital wellbeing articles of 2022

It’s been a big year for us. We’ve seen the continuing growth of the digital detox movement, with more and more recognition not only of smartphone and internet addiction, but also specifically social media addiction.

We’ve focused in 2015 on keeping you updated with the ever increasing amount of evidence on why a regular digital detox is good for you. We’ve also been sharing our top tips and hints to help you succeed at a digital detox. But what have you all been interested in this year? Which of our posts resonated with you? Let’s recap our 10 best blog posts from 2015;

10. Why do a Digital Detox?

As advocates of digital detoxing, this is one of the questions we probably get asked most frequently, so we decided to dedicate a whole blog post to answering that question. We rounded up 10 reasons (which was almost too easy!) about why you should give yourself a break from tech every once in a while.

9. 7 tips to make the 5:2 digital diet work for you

This was a big one. We’re proud of our 5:2 digital diet, and we stick to it every weekend. It’s one of the ways we incorporate digital detoxing into our everyday lives, instead of just detoxing once or twice a year at our retreats. But it’s not so easy for everyone to stick to it, so we posted these tips on how to make the 5:2 digital diet work for you.

non digital cameras

8. Digital Detox gift guide

It seems like every Christmas there is that mild panic of what to get for people. So this year, we suggested that you get presents that would gently encourage those you love to take a more disconnected approach with our digital detox inspired gift guide. Although our biggest tip was to give your family the gift of your undivided attention over Christmas. They’re after your presence, not your presents.

7. The rise of the anti-smartphone

Back in September we noticed a trend that we were definitely on board with: the rise of the anti-smartphone. Retro phones found their way back into the hands of many celebs, including Anna Wintour, Rihanna and Kate Beckinsale. Adele even used a flip-phone in the video for her comeback single Hello. We even had a look at some anti-smartphones that went on the market this year, such as the brilliantly disconnected NoPhone, or the incredibly pre-90s-looking Punkt MP01.

6. 9 reasons to eat more raw food

Raw food has become very popular over the last few years (we blame Pinterest!). Raw food has also exploded onto the London food scene is a massive hit with the Time To Log Off team and something we focus all the meals round on every digital detox retreat. So we compiled a list of 9 excellent reasons why you should incorporate more raw food into your diet.

Colouring in helps digital detox

5. Adult colouring books: Why they’re brilliant for the brain

We’ve seen an explosion of adult colouring books this year, everything from Doctor Who to Sherlock now have an amazing adult colouring book. We take them on our digital detox retreats and they’re always a huge hit with everyone who comes, they find them quite addictive. But we were looking at WHY they’re so good for you. Why are adult colouring books so relaxing, and what sort of benefits do they have for your brain?

4. A digital detox makes you happier

We always say digital detoxing will make you happier, but how does it do that? In this post, we looked at the links between the amount of time spent on social media and the rates of depression amongst teenagers in a study conducted by the University of Texas.

3. 6 reasons you need to go outside in nature. Now.

One of the things you start to notice more of when you’re not looking at your phone, is the world around you. It’s amazing what you see when you look UP, instead of down. But beautiful surroundings aren’t the only thing that’s great about nature. Did you know there is a tonne of scientific research that proves getting out in nature is actually good for your body? If you didn’t, then you need this post. And once you’re done reading it, you need to get outside in nature. Now!

oahu north shore jungle

2. Is smartphone addiction real?

2015 saw the very rapid increase of 4G coverage all across Britain, which may be why Ofcom reported that smartphones became the most popular way to browse the internet. But all this smartphone usage gave way to a larger problem: smartphone addiction. Many argue that it isn’t real, but we’ve been talking to the experts in the field of addiction and argued that it IS in this post from August, and that it is having a much larger effect on us than we care to admit.

1. How mindfulness aids concentration and reduces stress

Our TOP blog in 2015 was on the topic of mindfulness. ‘Mindfulness’ seems like such a woolly word to some people, but to us it’s a way of life and it’s the backbone of all of our digital detox retreats. We’re always keen on investigating the science behind what we do, so we wrote this post about how mindfulness actually aids concentration, and how it can reduce stress.

We’ve had a lot of fun blogging in 2015 and it looks like you enjoyed reading our blogs too. Keep your eyes peeled for more digital detox blogs in 2016!


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