15 Sep How to Stay Logged Off at Work It can be difficult to maintain our summer balance as we return to the office and try to stay logged off at work. Here are out top tips.... Share on:
11 Jul Is Your Phone Habit Wrecking Your Memory? Digital amnesia has us all forgetting information that used to be on the tip of our tongues just a few years ago. What's going on?... Share on:
16 May Here’s the Proof Zoom is Killing Our Creativity The evidence is in - all those video calls are stifling creativity and hampering our ability to produce original ideas.... Share on:
21 Mar Spring Clean Your Digital Life With Our 9 Point Plan Spring cleaning isn't just for your physical spaces. De-cluttering your digital life will make you feel calmer - and more productive too.... Share on:
24 Jan Finding Focus and Concentration in an Always-On World It's increasingly impossible to focus when notifications and interruptions from our devices surround us. Here are some simple productivity tips.... Share on:
03 Jan Time to rethink working from home in 2022? As we go into 2022 is it time to rethink our newly-adopted working from home habits? Should we be doing it more, or less this new year?... Share on:
25 Nov FinTech and our Tech-Life Balance: Online Banking Can FinTech enhance our lives, or is it bad news for our relationships with our phones? In this first part of our series we look at online banking.... Share on:
01 Nov The Problem with Group Chats Every day we find that what we do and say on 'private' group chats (both at work and at home) can cause issues. In short, there is a problem with group chats.... Share on:
21 Oct Should We Have A Right to Disconnect from Work? Twenty-four hour work culture is being questioned by those who are asking a fundamental question: do we have a right to disconnect?.... Share on:
22 Sep ‘My Brain Has Too Many Tabs Open’ launches Our founder Tanya Goodin has launched her third book: 'My Brain Has Too Many Tabs Open' to help us untangle our relationship with tech.... Share on: