UK Unplugging Day

UK Unplugging Day

One of our manifesto statements is that we believe that real relationships trump virtual ones. So finding ways of encouraging people to put down devices and make real-world connections is an important part of what we do. We co-ordinate the UK-wide activities on UK Unplugging Day to get everyone off their screens and reconnecting!

(US National Day of Unplugging here).

UK Unplugging Day

UK Unplugging Day

UK Unplugging Day is a UK-wide 24 hour break from the digital world to enable us to disconnect from our devices and reconnect with our family, friends, loved ones and communities in real life. Although we’d like to encourage everyone to Put down their devices all day we know that it can be daunting at first with all that FOMO!  So we suggest everyone starts by making a conscious and mindful effort to use their screens less during the day – with the goal of building up over time to a full day off devices. We know that if you try even small steps towards a digital detox you’ll love the results. Give it a go!

Rediscover the power of real-world connections by unplugging on UK Unplugging Day.

The event takes place on the 4th Sunday in June. Dates are below:

2022  – 26th June 2022

2023  – 25th June 2023

2024   23rd June 2024

2025   22nd June 2025

UK Unplugging Day
Service Type
UK Unplugging Day
Provider Name
Time to Log Off,
United Kingdom
UK Unplugging Day is a UK-wide 24 hour break from the digital world to enable us to disconnect from our devices and reconnect with our family, friends, loved ones and communities in real life. Ditch your device for a day!
Claim your FREE Digital Detox Cheat Sheet
And build a happier, healthier, relationship with screens!
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