25 Jan “Am I ADDICTED to social media?” QUIZ
How many social media accounts do you have that you use regularly?

How frequently do you check your social media accounts?

How often is social media the first thing you scroll through in the morning?

How likely are you to be scrolling on social media when you should be doing something else (getting out of bed in the morning, sleeping, working, getting ready for work etc)?

When was the last time you checked social media?

How is your social media use compared to, say, six months ago?

Have you ever been accused of being ‘obsessed’ with social media? How often?

How often do you notice your mood deteriorating after you've used social media?

To what extent do you want to reduce your time on social media, but are finding yourself unable to cut down?

"Am I ADDICTED to social media?" QUIZ
Oh dear....you really do seem ADDICTED to social media [Time To Log Off Social Media Addiction Quiz]
You NEED to get a grip on your social media habits! Scrolling through social media is your number one past time - you're never off the .gram, or TikTok, or Twitter or... (insert your favourite platform here). You spend an excessive amount of your day on social media, feeling that if something isn't recorded and posted on one of your accounts it didn't really happen. Sleep, eating, work, even your relationships, are all suffering as a result. Did you know that, in a famous study from Denmark, adults who spent a week off social media felt much happier with their lives? They also reported an increase in real-world social activity and were significantly less angry and lonely than those who stayed on social media. It's time to take your social media addiction seriously and embark on a digital detox.
You and social media are PRETTY INSEPARABLE [Time To Log Off Social Media Addiction Quiz]
You might not be 100% addicted (yet!), but you definitely need to evaluate how much time you're spending scrolling on your social media accounts. It may not be making you happy. One study by Facebook of teen Instagram users in the US and UK found more than 40% of those who reported feeling “unattractive” said the feelings started when using Instagram. It's a good time to start thinking about decluttering your digital life through a social media and digital detox!
You’re FAIRLY RELIANT on social media [Time To Log Off Social Media Addiction Quiz]
You're fairly reliant on social media, but there are far worse culprits! Still, it's good to be reminded that UK adults spend an average of 8 hrs 41 mins on screens every day, and 4 hours of that on smartphone apps alone (mainly social media). That's about a third of each day checking apps. Do you need to rethink your social media habits and the amount of time you spend scrolling?
You have a HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP with social media - well done! [Time To Log Off Social Media Addiction Quiz]
Congratulations! Psychologists estimate that as many as 5 to 10% of Americans meet the criteria for social media addiction today. But luckily, that's not you! Not checking social media every few minutes doesn't make you feel anxious, as you prefer to live 'in the moment' rather than through your apps. You use social media to your advantage, at work and to connect with friends and family, but you know when to put it away. Keep it up!

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"Am I ADDICTED to social media?" QUIZ
One of Time To Log Off's most popular quizzes: a few deceptively simple questions will answer the question "Am I addicted to social media?"
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Time To Log Off
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