22 Dec Our Top 10 digital detox blogs of 2020
In 2020 we were glued to our screens like never before. Was a digital detox going to be an idea that had simply had its time, we wondered? The irony was, we’d spent six years trying to show everyone what they miss out when they spend too much time on screens – and the pandemic did our job for us. We all flocked to our devices, and we were very grateful they were there, but never have we been so aware of what they couldn’t do for us. Never have we all missed human contact so much.
Record numbers of you came to our site (up 35% on 2019), to get help and guidance in managing your screens healthily this year. We carried on producing our podcast right the way through the year, and we produced digital detox blogs and articles every week on topics you requested. Here, at the end of this rollercoaster year, is a round-up of our 10 most popular posts from 2020:
10. Six Ways to Beat Social Media Addiction
Social media, and our struggle with it, was a real theme this year. Our post at #10 on the year’s list gave you some ideas on how you could beat your addiction to scrolling, in a year when everyone found putting their devices away especially hard.
9. A Brief History of Digital Detox
We thought we’d give you a bit of reading material around the subject of digital detox this year, so we laid out a timeline of how the trend has evolved. Users have been concerned about the impact of screen time on our mental and physical health since the dawn of the WorldWideWeb. We trawled through the records to show you that the history of anxiety about screens, and attempts to spend time off them, is as long as the history of screens itself.
8. Ten Tricks to Stave Off Digital Burnout in Lockdown
As screen time mounted in the pandemic, everyone began to worry about how frazzled and burnt out they were feeling, especially from all those video calls. So we produced this piece to look at screen burnout specifically, and what you could do to keep it at bay.
7. Screens and Covid-19
Of course, we produced a lot of content focused particularly around the pandemic and what it meant for our screen habits. In this blog we looked at how we could distinguish between a healthy and productive use of screens and how we could guard against the type of unhealthy habits which were becoming amplified as we spent more and more time on devices.
6. 6 tips for distance learning in lockdown
Learning from home was a big topic this year as parents and children alike grappled with how to manage it from bedrooms, kitchens and sofas across the globe. We gathered tips from experts on how to make distance learning work, and how not to let it stress you out.
5. Smartphones and coronavirus
As the pandemic hit, this blog looked at whether we needed to worry about our smartphones themselves as a source of virus transmission, as well as how we could use them to get the most up-to-date and trustworthy information about its spread. We talked about misinformation and the multiplying of conspiracies about the virus here too.
4. Our 2020 Digital Detox Resolutions
Every year we produce a series of resolutions on our screen habits (we’ll be doing one for 2021), and it’s always one of our most popular blogs. Looking back to the beginning of this year, it’s fascinating to see what we thought we might achieve this year. Spending less time on screens turned out not to be one of them!
3. TikTok is not safe for kids
TikTok started 2020 on a strong footing and absolutely boomed in the pandemic as kids (and adults) used it to keep connected and entertain themselves. We’ve always had very big concerns about this platform and felt we had to warn you about some of the dangers. We obviously hit the spot as this was one of our Top 3 most read blogs this year.
2. 7 Signs of Social Media Addiction
Our second most popular blog revealed what you were all most worried about this year. “Am I addicted to social media” was one of the primary ways people searched for, and found, our site in 2020 and this blog tried to help with laying out some signs and symptoms to be aware of. We hope it helped!
Which led us to…
1. How to Do Dopamine Fasting Right
Our No.1 post this year was about the ‘new’ phenomenon of dopamine fasting. Which of course is pretty much a digital detox by another, cooler, new name! We talked about the differences and similarities and how to do one and you read this piece in your thousands. We really hope it meant you also tried it, and put screens down for some of your year.
2020 has been a year, for everyone. It’s safe to say it took all our plans and through them up in the air – like all of yours. But, we realised very early on that the demand for our digital detox expertise was actually going to keep growing this year as everyone grappled with enforced screen time, and it really did. You downloaded our podcasts and you kept reading our blogs in numbers that surpassed anything we had seen before. We hope they helped in some way. Do let us know!
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