#LogOffForLove This Valentines Day 2022

14 Feb #LogOffForLove This Valentines Day 2022

  1. Valentine’s Day 7 Days to Digital Detox Challenge #LogOffForLove
  2. Valentine’s Day Digital Detox Challenge #LogOffForLove
  3. Valentine’s Day 2018: #LogOffForLove Digital Detox Challenge
  4. #logoffforlove this Valentine’s Day
  5. Do you love your smartphone more than your partner?
  6. #LogOffForLove This Valentines Day 2022

We all choose to spend Valentines differently: some go all out with gifts, activities and grand gestures whilst others choose to spend the day much like any other, stay in or get a takeaway. Regardless of the importance you place on the day, nothing screams romance less than someone who is glued to their phone and doesn’t pay proper attention to their Valentine. We have written before about the impact which phubbing (snubbing someone with your phone) can have on a relationship, and that is not the only point of tension between phones and loved ones!

So, we have put together some tips to help you log off for love this Valentines as part of our annual campaign encouraging you to prioritise relationships over devices.

Give an analogue gift

The most obvious display of Valentines spirit is in the gift giving, so this year we are challenging you to think outside of the box and give an analogue gift. From hand writing a card to booking a holiday for the two of you, there are lots of options for gifts which can focus on the person you love rather over technology! Especially on Valentines it is even more important that the thought behind your gift focuses on the real world, and demonstrates your investment in the relationship.

Plan offline activities

log off for love on Valentine's Day

If you are celebrating the day in style with some Valentines related activities we recommend going for some offline events too! Perhaps you could play crazy golf, go up in a hot air balloon or simply cook them dinner and do a puzzle together. No matter how you celebrate there are lots of ways to spend time together in person and focus on quality time over consumption of media like going to the cinema or watching TV at home.

Intentionally log off

Log off for love on Valentine's Day 2022

There will be lots of variety in ways that we all log off for love this Valentines but one thing we can all do throughout the day and incorporate into all our activities is to have the intention to log off. This means that we can plan in advance. If you know that you might be distracted by work emails, a match score or internet gossip instead of being fully focused on your partner take steps in advance to make sure that doesn’t happen. You could let your colleagues know you are going off-grid that night, or perhaps turn off notifications for the evening. We all know how easy it is to get distracted so get ahead of it!

Keep your phone out of the bedroom

Log off for love on Valentine's Day

One way in which you can plan ahead is to commit to leaving your phone outside of the bedroom, at least for this one night. We have written before about the damaging impact which having your phone in your room can have on sleep (only 20 mins can significantly impact sleep quality) and our mental health but it is equally damaging to our relationships as its presence can often cause us to split our attention and leave our partner neglected.

Log off for love throughout the year!

Finally, the best gift you can give this Valentines is to log off for love all year round. Take these tips and institute them in your day to day life beyond one celebration of love. Your partner deserves it, and so do you!

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