19 Apr 5 Wonderful Ways to Unplug and Connect on Earth Day
At Time To Log Off, we encourage you to find balance with screens in a world where digital is dominant. We share the benefits of logging off and dedicating real time to the relationships that matter most – these can be our relationships with our loved ones, as well as those we have with ourselves. As we also believe that nature is a powerful antidote to our obsession with screens, offering a sense of calm and a place to escape, we’re strong supporters of Earth Day. Earth Day is an international day of awareness around how our consumption affects the planet. In the tech-driven area, we’re often extremely focused on progress, without thinking about the impact of our choices. We believe it’s time to get our heads out from behind our screens to unplug and connect.
This year’s campaign falls on April 22nd and focuses around the increasing challenge of plastic pollution. Did you know that just 9% of plastic produced to date has been recycled? And it’s not just about waste (and how it’s been mismanaged to end up in our oceans), plastic is a petroleum product, which means when manufactured, it releases harmful emissions. To further highlight the benefits of logging off for mind, body and planet, we’re sharing wonderful ways you and your family can unplug and reconnect on April 22nd.
5 Ways to Unplug on Earth Day
#1 Join a Beach or Park Clean-Up Party
A great way to get the family outdoors, away from screens and doing something active is by volunteering to help clear rubbish from our beaches and parks. Help protect our animals and make beaches and parks cleaner, safer places to be. The Marine Conversation Society lists beach cleaning events you can get involved with.
#2 Get Gardening
Plastic wrapping around fresh produce can be excessive. In addition to making wiser choices about your fruit and veg while out shopping, why not try growing your own? We love gardening as a mindful activity – it allows your mind to wander and relax. You can enjoy the freshest food possible, help kids learn about caring for plants and enjoy the satisfaction of growing something from scratch.
#3 Make a Walking Pledge
Think about the trips you make using your car. Most of us can hold our hands up and admit that there have been times when we could have walked instead. Walking is another great mindful activity, or a good way to help the family stay active and spend time together. Identify trips you can make by foot and pledge to reduce your car usage as a family.
#4 Look after your Local Wildlife
Put your phone down and use Earth Day as a chance to engage with your surroundings. We share the planet with hundreds of incredible creatures. Encourage them to thrive in your own garden and get the kids enthusiastic about caring about the welfare of even the smallest of animals. The cold winter hasn’t just been a pain for us humans, it has also made life trickier for our wildlife. There are so many ways to give wildlife a helping hand. For example, why not install bird and bat boxes in the garden, or hang feeders and water baths from the trees?
#5 Think About Your Energy Use
As we get hooked on more and more digital devices, our energy requirements are only increasing. Help protect the planet (and your bills) by switching off devices when you’re not using them. We often share how our tendency to use multiple screens at the same time is actually destroying our concentration span, but it’s also a rather inefficient use of energy, too. Switch off background noise and switch on to your self. It’s not just the planet that’ll be benefiting!
Join us in supporting Earth Day on 22nd April and try out our ways to unplug and connect. Share your experiences and spread the word about this important cause using the hashtag #EarthDay2018.
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