21 Jan Day #20 30 Day Digital Detox Challenge
Our 30 Day Digital Detox Challenge is all about introducing you to some simple ways to develop a healthy relationship with your phone in 2017!
How was Day 19’s challenge? Was it tricky having your phone still with you, but making a commitment not to check it after the time you set for yourself? It’s definitely one of the hardest of the digital detox challenge series. Some of you might find this one a little easier;
Day 20 – leave your phone at home (minimum four hours)
When we first started experimenting with digital detox, many of us on the Time To Log Off team found going out without our phones the hardest thing to do of all. We found ourselves continually patting our pockets to check where it was, wondering what crucial updates and messages we were missing, and generally feeling a tiny bit lost.
But, once we settled into the experience, being phone-free away from home or work was incredibly liberating. We could focus completely on what we were doing, whether that was a walk, a shopping trip or being with friends. We really felt rejuvenated and rested after our phone-free forays.
In previous challenges we’ve asked you to leave your phone behind for smaller periods of time, but today we want you to try and go without it for at least four hours. About half of a typical working day. It’s a substantial chunk of time and that’s deliberate. It’s long enough for you to really switch off and start to feel the rewards of unplugging. On our digital detox retreats we know that once our guests actually start to experience the physical and mental benefits of logging-off they have a real “ah ha!” moment. And that’s what we want you to experience too.
Check back tomorrow for Day 21. And don’t forget, all the challenge videos are on our YouTube channel. Use the hashtag #30DayDigitalDetoxChallenge on Twitter to tweet us your progress!

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