29 Apr Time to Log Off Book Club: WELLTH
Our mission at Time To Log Off is get everyone to think about how much time they spend on screens and to try and bring a bit more real-world balance back into their lives. But we know that sometimes it’s hard to think of things to do on digital detox days. The urge to mindlessly scroll through Facebook when you’re bored or relaxing (though you’ve promised yourself not to) can be hard to fight. To help, we’ve launched an occasional book club devoted to the books we love that you can fill your digital detox off-screen time with.
This week we’re looking at Wellth, the new book by MindBodyGreen founder Jacob Wachob. It’s a personal account of his journey from an always-on, fast-paced unhealthy lifestyle to a life of balance and wellness which led ultimately to him founding MindBodyGreen.
Wachob defines wellth (a word he has coined) as “A new and more valuable life currency: a life exemplified by abundance, happiness, purpose, health and joy”.
The book looks at several different aspects of what constitutes a healthy life and is divided into 13 chapters under headings such as Eat, Move, Heal, Live, Laugh etc. Each chapter starts with a personal reflection from Wachob of his journey and what he’s learned in this area and then offers some very practical guidelines and how-tos on how to become more ‘wellthy’. We particularly liked the empahasis on yoga in the Move chapter and the importance of connecting with nature in Ground. Each chapter ends with a useful summary of what’s been covered.
We really liked this book. It’s an inspiring read and very practical in its emphasis on telling you what you can try in each area as you explore it. It has some similarities with Arianna Huffington’s Thrive in that it’s about defining a new way of living that isn’t measured by material wealth and job success. We highly recommend it.
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