02 Apr How to Get Back On Track When You’re Struggling with Screentime
After a tough year stuck at home and living exclusively through our devices it is no wonder that many of us are struggling with screentime. In a Washington Post profile, people from all walks of life examined their screentime as it had increased during the pandemic, up 185% for one user. This example isn’t an anomaly with an Ofcom poll finding that 40% of a UK adult’s day is now spent watching video, either though TV or on mobile devices, and that is only video!
Even though during the first pandemic 3/4 of American families said that they planned to take a digital detox after restrictions eased, we know that with digital dependency only increasing, that is easier said than done. So, we have put together our easiest tips and tricks to help you get back on track after struggling with screentime.
Take a break
Our first, and probably most predictable, recommendation is to take a break. We are big fans of digital detoxes at Time To Log Off and have written about the wonders can bring in many different forms over the years. A digital detox allows you the opportunity to take a step back and reevaluate your relationship with screens. It can be hard to commit to initially but once you have put down your screen for a week or so it can be hard to pick it again.
Cheat code: If you want help with getting started on a digital detox we have a course which can help you to do this in a structured way through learning about the impacts of technology. Next it guides you through a two week digital detox which can be adapted to fit your life, with support from our team too!
Imitate behaviour
We know how hard it is to institute boundaries in your relationship with technology. This has only gotten harder since many of us were forced to move to working from home as we no longer have a separation of work and home spaces. So, our advice is to copy someone. Perhaps they are a colleague, partner, friend or family member. Pick someone with a similar work-life balance to you whose screen habits you admire and ask them about them. Perhaps you could get them to write down a rough schedule or tips for how to manage screentime. Then, all you need to do is follow it, after a while it should become easier and you can adapt it to fit your life more closely.
Practice leaving your phone behind
Our next tip is to ask yourself each time you leave the house or even a room: ‘Do I need to bring my phone/ digital device with me?’. If you are going to the shops, for a walk, to the bathroom or kitchen for a snack the answer is almost certainly ‘NO‘. Through practicing leaving your devices behind when you don’t need them you will free up more headspace and hopefully be able to get back on track.
Fill your time
Our final simple tip to help you stop struggling with screentime is to find other things to do. We have written before about the many analogue alternatives that people found joy through during the pandemic. You could commit to cooking a new food each day, meaning that you will need to make the time for it. You could take up puzzling, set a reading goal or institute an exercise regime. Whatever you choose make sure it is a part of your routine and not reliant on technology- that way you can take a true break!
Together these tips and tricks should help you kickstart a healthy screen-life balance after a year of struggles. Remember, if you want more structured advice you can always look to our course or the books by our founder too.
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