3 Reasons Why Digital Detox Is The New Minimalism, But Better

Why Digital Detox Is The New Minimalism, But Better

05 Jul 3 Reasons Why Digital Detox Is The New Minimalism, But Better

Minimalism is a lifestyle concept that’s gained popularity in recent years. It’s summarised as a “less is more” attitude that aims to declutter life to leave only the things we really need. The Minimalists claim that minimalism seeks to find ‘freedom from the trappings of the consumer culture we’ve built our lives around”. It’s not so much doing away with everything you own, although simplifying does seem to play a big role. Rather it’s about deliberately assigning less meaning to our possessions. Minimalists claim that in the process of focusing on consumerism and material items, we ‘forsake’ our relationships, health and personal passions. Becoming Minimalist describes minimalism as “freedom from modern mania”, in other words the “freedom to disengage” from the “hysteria to live faster”. We can identify similarities in some of the things that minimalism and our own concept of digital detox strive towards:

  • Taking back our time
  • Achieving mindfulness
  • Discovering the purpose in our lives
  • Finding happiness
  • Caring for our health

However, there are three reasons why we believe that digital detox as a concept is far more achievable and relatable!

Simplify life through digital detox

#1 Digital Detox Is Inclusive

One of the biggest criticisms of minimalism is that it is an elitist concept. Simplify your lifestyle but spend hundreds in the process? You may have noticed minimalist lifestyle influencers championing subtle make-up, capsule wardrobes and minimal interior design. But spending to achieve this seems counter-intuitive to the concept. Digital detox on the other hand, is inclusive. There are no prerequisites to change your lifestyle for the better. Anyone who wants to strive for the points mentioned above can embrace digital detox and doesn’t need to drastically change their home to do so.

Move over minimalism, digital detox is here

#2 Digital Detox Is About Balance, Not Missing Out

Our aim is to help people find a better balance with technology by enjoying unplugged moments that allow you to step back and take stock. We are not anti-technology (arguably one of the biggest parts of modern consumer culture) and we never suggest that permanently cutting out your digital devices will make you happier. Unlike minimalism which is making a conscious choice to miss out, digital detox lets you enjoy the best of both worlds by showing you when your technology use is no longer benefiting you. In other words, digital detox helps you simplify the parts of your life you actually need to, when you want to.

3 Reasons Why Digital Detox Is The New Minimalism

#3 Digital Detox Is Achievable For Everyone

For most of us, the benefits of minimalism are desirable but the commitment to living with a handful of items is not always practical. Digital detox can be slotted around your daily life, with even small tweaks to your lifestyle being hugely beneficial. For example, reading on the train rather than scrolling through your phone. Or leaving your phone in your bag when you go for coffee with friends. Like minimalism, digital detox is intentional, but it’s not a complete lifestyle overhaul.

There’s no one way to digital detox. Some people prefer to unplug for a few days and join us on a digital detox retreat, some take part in our challenges and some make small convenient changes to their routine that have a huge impact on their health and happiness. Digital detox will work for everyone, not just a handful of people. And that’s why digital detox is the new minimalism.

3 Reasons Why Digital Detox Is The New Minimalism, But Better
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3 Reasons Why Digital Detox Is The New Minimalism, But Better
We share three reasons why digital detox is THE lifestyle concept to take notice of. Move over minimalism, digital detox is more here to stay.
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