Phone Free Food Digital Detox Challenge
02 Oct
Phone Free Food Digital Detox Challenge

Our Digital Detox Challenge series is designed to find inspiring ways to introduce a bit of online:offline balance in your life. We hope there's a challenge that inspires you to give logging-off a go!   As autumn draws in our thoughts have been turning to delicious meals out...

Ten Tips to Tame Teen Tech Time
28 Sep
10 Tips to Tame Teen Tech Time

Our addiction to technology is getting out of hand and one age group seems enthusiastic surfers; 12- to 15-year-olds, clock up 19 or more hours a week online, according to Ofcom. At Time To Log Off, we're determined to help you create a healthy balance between your...

digital detox
21 Sep
6 celebrity supporters of digital detox

At Time To Log Off we believe in taking regular breaks from technology in order to reconnect with the real world around us. We believe that the only way to really do this is on a digital detox retreat where we simply ban all technology and experience...

digital detox
15 Sep
5 entrepreneur fans of digital detox

At Time To Log Off, we talk about the importance of disconnecting from your devices and reconnecting with the real world around you. How do we suggest you do that? From attending digital detox retreats to simply logging off at home, we've loaded you with hundreds...

digital detox shoes in front of lake
08 Sep
4 astonishing ways digital detox boosts productivity

As a nation, we're addicted to technology. We can't seem to put down our smartphones, even when we're at dinner with friends. And, with half of all UK adults admitting to being 'completely hooked' on their smartphones, we all believe our addiction is normal. The reality is...

Digital Detox
01 Sep
Your work-life balance needs digital detox

Increasingly it seems that in our 'always on' culture we can't put down our phones, even when we're on holiday. The need to keep up to date on work emails or make that quick phone call from the beach is something that many of us...

5 unexpected discoveries of a phone free festival
23 Aug
5 unexpected benefits of going festival phone-free

It's festival season and, as a nation constantly glued to our screens, how are we coping with the notion of combining festival going with a fully charged and functional smartphone? We set off to a music festival, found ourselves (totally unplanned) phone-free, and loved it! Here...

How to break your bad tech habits
18 Aug
8 incredible ways a digital detox makes you happy

We're a nation that's always switched on. Half of all UK adults admit to being 'completely hooked' on their smartphones and our digital addiction is making us unhappy. 62% of UK adults say they 'hate' how much time they spend on their phone. But we know that...

digital detox
11 Aug
7 life-changing reasons to do a digital detox

When Ofcom reported 15 million UK adults desperately wanted to put down their phones for a digital detox, the world exploded with news articles around the subject and the importance of logging off. At Time To Log Off we don't want to stop using technology completely,...

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