31 Jan Day #30 30 Day Digital Detox Challenge
Our 30 Day Digital Detox Challenge is all about introducing you to some simple ways to develop a healthy relationship with your phone in 2017!
We’ve finished! Over the course of our month-long digital detox challenge, we’ve challenged you in many different ways to live (temporarily) without your phone. Today as we wrap-up the challenge we want you to;
Day 30 – choose ONE challenge from the 30 days to stick with
In the last month you’ve tried setting phone boundaries around times (no phone before bed), around places (no phones at the meal table), and in going out and leaving your phone behind. You’ve also tried using some of your phone’s features to help you resist it – turning the screen greyscale was a favourite!
At the end of the challenge, if you’ve tried a good few of these, you should have an idea of what works best for you. We’re all different and our lifestyles and habits are very different and no one thing will work for everyone. So that’s why we’ve come up with such a range of suggestions for you. Hidden in there will be one which will tick all the boxes and make it easy for you to log off from time to time. And you know there are huge benefits for you if you do manage to introduce some regular digital detox into your life.
Today we want you to sit down and review how all the challenges went and pick one that you can stick with for the next month, and beyond. Some will be ones you never want to try again! But others may actually work very well for you and your lifestyle. Try and stick with just one. Good luck!
We hope you’ve enjoyed the challenge. Don’t forget that all the digital detox challenge videos are in our complete set now on our YouTube channel.

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