12 digital detox blogs of Christmas #9

20 Dec 12 digital detox blogs of Christmas #9

Our Presence Not Presents Christmas digital detox campaign challenged twelve bloggers to put down their phones for two days, to experience logging-off and focusing on family and friends. We hope that their stories about their experiences inspire you to try a digital detox of your own. Next up in the series is …

Fashion & Style Police’s Christmas digital detox

Writer & blogger  Stella,  the brains behind the Fashion & Style Police’s blog takes on our digital detox challenge and becomes our #9 challenger.  Stella manages her workloads like we all do, via our digital devices. Was she able to overcome itchy fingers and live two days without her digital devices?


“I logged off my laptop and smart phone on Friday afternoon, and I let the blog and my social media platforms run on auto pilot until midnight Sunday.”

Stella managed to press the ‘off’ button and soon was able to relax after a hectic week. “It was fun to sit back and relax. Last week was extremely busy work-wise, so I was looking forward to the weekend and my digital detox.”

Before going into digital detox mode Stella made sure she had scheduled all her tweets and posts. ” I logged off every system after checking my tweets and posts were scheduled. Then off I went to check out the challenge pack to help me stay offline and stay sane.” Stella had been given our unique digital detox set that to help keep her mind focused on the challenge, the set also included a Punkt Mp 01 phone, that is limited to the essential functions of a phone.

“I found the Punkt. phone very useful. I know many may struggle with using this kind of phone in 2016, but I liked it! It was just what I needed. I could switch off my iPhone but be rest assured anyone who needed urgently could reach me. I will continue using this phone for work, for the few times I need to make phone calls to clients.” It seems as though the Punkt phone had a major impact on Stella and even resulted in her continuing her use of the phone.

Punkt Mp 01 phone

“I also found the notebook very handy for when I had itchy fingers. It kept me very busy. And the pencils and colouring pads kept us very occupied. i enjoyed colouring with my kids. It definitely kept me sane.”

During her digital detox Stella came to appreciate the time she usually didn’t have to finish off other activities previously thought incapable. “I finally finished Katie Price’s Reborn on Friday evening. I have been reading it for weeks now and struggling to finish it.”

Committing to a digital detox allows you to spend time on things that you used to take for granted before having all these devices consume our extra time. “Another rare thing that happened was me being in bed at 10pm on Friday night. Usually, I am buried in work until past midnight but since I could not work, I found myself in bed at 10pm and it felt so good. I should be doing this more often.”

At the end of the challenge Stella, felt like she understood the essence of the challenge and why it was made.”This campaign was all about logging off every form of technology aka distractions, and spending quality time with the loved ones.”

Punkt phone

“I enjoyed this digital detox. I am looking to the Christmas break because I go on holiday and that means I will be logging off which is fab. All work and no rest makes Stella a grumpy blogger.”

Stella is right, by doing a digital detox it’ll also help stop you from bringing your work back with you!

Even if you think a digital detox retreat might be too much for you, why not give our Christmas digital detox challenge a go? It’s two days offline and it’s the perfect time to be focusing on family and friends.

12 digital detox blogs of Christmas #9
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12 digital detox blogs of Christmas #9
Our Presence Not Presents Christmas digital detox campaign challenged twelve bloggers to put down their phones for two days, to experience logging-off and focusing on family and friends. We hope that their stories about their experiences will inspire you to consider a digital detox of your own.
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Time To Log Off
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