06 Oct Phone Free Food: Nominate a Digital Detox Restaurant!
When we launched our #PhoneFreeFood challenge we encouraged all of you to commit to eating your meals in October without the presence of our phones. And now we want to ask you to nominate restaurants, cafes and bars who already support the no-phones policy so we can add them to our #PhoneFreeFood Hall of Fame!
To kick you off here are five we’ve already found. Get in touch and let us know about more. We’re scouring the UK to find them!
Family favourite, Beefeater love the idea of no phones for meal times. They understand that it’s more important to spend time connecting with friends and family. The chain of restaurants tried out ‘No Phone Zones’ last Mother’s Day in the UK. Beefeater said:
“Mums don’t ask much of us and rarely even let us spend any money on them – so the least we can do is give Mums our undivided attention.”
All diners were asked on arrival to hand their phones in. Most of them loved the idea. Maybe it’s time to ban phones again?
Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese is a very old pub, with very low ceilings… and no phone signal. So, phones are a no-go in the whole pub. Deliberate or not we’re sure the atmosphere in here is amazing with nobody looking down at their phones or waiting for a phone call.
This beautiful wine bar is pretty famous in the area with a history dating back to the First World War. French by name, and by style, with all drinks served in French measures this bar still has a wonderful french vibe. Not only that but it has never had a TV and phones have been banned for years, so turn them off before you get there!
A classic London pub with a great atmosphere. The old wooden bar and walls full of pictures, this pub is what you would expect to see if you went back in time. On arrival, you’ll be asked by staff to hang your coat up and not to get your phone out, just perfect. You’ll have time to take in the atmosphere and concentrate on friends and family.
The Nordic Bakery is a beautiful Scandinavian-style cafe, a peaceful meeting place in the centre of a frantic and busy city. Described as a space where visual clutter and noise is eliminated from your cafe experience, The Nordic Bakery are all for phone free meals and encourage their customers to put phones away and relax.
Take part in our #PhoneFreeFood campaign this October, and send in nominations for your favourite phone-free UK restaurants for our #PhoneFreeFood Hall of Fame!

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