10 Jun Our digital detox retreats will make you happier
We’ve just collated all the findings from our latest digital detox retreats and the results are even more astounding than before.
We asked our guests to self-record happiness, stress, sleep and focus and concentration both immediately before coming on the retreat and after. The picture the comparison paints is really striking.
Before our retreat we asked our guests to rate the quality of their sleep. We know that sleep is a major problem for those who over-use digital devices and we weren’t surprised to see that pre-retreat quality of sleep was reported as being so poor. What was great to see was just how much sleep quality improved by the end of the retreat!
“I definitely won’t be looking at my phone in bed anymore – it’s really surprised me how much quicker I’ve fallen asleep this week!” – May 2016 digital detox retreat guest
We also asked guests to assess how well they thought they were able to concentrate and focus on one thing at a time in their everyday lives. Again, we know that the evidence is that too much time on digital devices is having a dramatic effect on this. So it was good to see that by the end of the retreat everyone felt their concentration had markedly improved.
“It’s been good to be without my phone, so I don’t think about work and am not distracted by the outside world, the news etc.” – May 2016 digital detox retreat guest
It’s not surprising perhaps that at the end of a retreat the guests are going to feel pretty stress-free! But we were still very pleased to see just how dramatically this had improved.
“Feeling completely refreshed, recharged and v. v. grateful for the experience.” – May 2016 digital detox retreat guest
The final self-reported score was the one that made us the most, well, happy! Going away for seven days with a group of strangers and giving up all your digital technology could have the potential to make our retreat guests feels very unhappy indeed. But, in fact, they all reported a real and significant boost in happiness levels – just like all that research suggested.
“I feel like I have completely rebooted my life.” – May 2016 digital detox retreat guest
We’ve compiled all of the results on one handy page – but to experience some of these dramatic results for yourself, come on one of our digital detox retreats or contact us to find out more!

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