5:2 Digital Diet cheat sheet

04 Sep 5:2 Digital Diet cheat sheet

We know that the thought of a full-blown digital detox can be daunting. All that FOMO! But we believe that small steps and limited periods of logging-off can benefit you as much as a week-long digital detox. We’ve devised our very own 5:2 Digital Diet and we’ve put together this great cheat sheet for you on how to do this simple digital diet to keep and share. There are five easy steps that take you through the key parts of the diet:

Step One: Plan to do the digital diet at the weekend when there is less digital temptation!

Step Two: Buy an alarm clock and banish your phone from the bedroom.

Step Thee: Move! Get going and do some form of exercise to keep yourself busy.

Step Four: Dig our a camera so you have no excuse for reaching for your phone.

Step Five: Enlist support, tell everyone what you’re doing and encourage them to join in- all lifestyle changes are more effective if you get support from a group and a digital diet is no exception.

Let us know if you find it useful or if you have any other useful tips to do a digital detox you’d like to tell us about!

5:2 Digital Diet

5:2 Digital Diet cheat sheet {infographic}
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5:2 Digital Diet cheat sheet {infographic}
Let us know if you find it useful or if you have any other useful tips to do a digital detox you'd like to tell us about!
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Time to Log Off
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