Tech Addiction

comparison culture
31 Jul
The Curse of Comparison Culture

Social media has in many ways given us a window into one another’s lives. But the truth is that in our comparison culture everyone goes to town on their own window dressing....

tech burnout
17 Jul
How I Won My Battle With Tech Burnout

I’d worked with tech all my career and suddenly I found myself experiencing tech burnout. These are the steps I took to bring myself back from the brink....

01 Jul
How social media gets us hooked

It’s not news that we love to talk about ourselves, but what else can explain social media addiction and its powerful pull for us? Social media is one big slot machine for the brain. And we're all hooked....

What is nomophobia
18 Jun
What is Nomophobia?

If you find yourself patting your pocket anxiously throughout your day to check you still have your phone, or explode with rage or stress when you can't find it then you might just be suffering from nomophobia. Never heard of it? You will do....

Internet Addiction
07 Jun
Will Apple and Google really fix our internet addiction?

Apple showcases 'Screen Time', Google launches 'Digital Wellbeing'. Will these two tech giants solve our internet addiction? Or is fighting tech with tech ignoring the bigger question about how the way we use tech is making so many people anxious and unhappy....

phone addiction in the bathroom
24 Apr
Are You a Toilet Texter?

With every addiction, there’s a recognition moment. Maybe it’s 10am and you’re cracking open a bottle of Stella; maybe you’re lighting one cigarette off of another; maybe you have replaced the bread in your sandwiches for potato waffles. Whether it's food, alcohol, cigarettes or technology,...

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