
Mindful travel: holiday suitcase
14 Aug
5 Must-Read Tips for Mindful Travel

We talk frequently about the importance of ditching digital distractions and the pressure of our always-on culture at home. Now, it’s time to get serious about the practice of being present when we’re travelling....

02 Aug
Your Thoughts Are Not Your Friends

We can choose to partially release ourselves from the ‘slavery’ of our thoughts by taking regular breaks from texts, emails and social media and practising mindfulness....

Neon sign saying 'time is precious' - the attention economy
15 Jul
How Mindfulness Can Help Us Beat the Attention Economy

Our attention is one of the most precious commodities in the world. As tech designers compete in the attention economy, they work hard to keep us hooked on digital devices. Is mindfulness the key in becoming a more conscious digital consumer?...

Mindfulness and tech habits
03 May
6 ways to apply mindfulness to your digital habits

The average person checks their smartphone 150 times a day and our smartphone habits increasingly remove us from the present moment and leave us hopelessly distracted. Here are six ways you can apply more mindfulness to your digital habits, starting from now. #1 Limit your source consumption With the vast amount of information that is available...

28 Mar
What is ‘flow’ and how can you achieve it?

Do you ever enjoy taking part in activities where time seems to fly by? Where you are not really conscious of the real world, and the concerns that inhabit it? If the answer is yes, then it's likely that you are experiencing what’s been defined...

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