Author: Matt Holland

Get Off SCreens: Cambrian Gold- Matt Holland Photography
30 Apr
Get Off Screens and Get Outside for #MentalHealthMonth

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, also known as #MentalHealthMonth. At Time To Log Off we're going to be focusing on two aspects of mental health affected by our 24:7 screen habits: social media and mental health, and the benefits of getting outside and connecting with nature. Human beings have...

Digital Free Day Trip: Matt Holland Photography
26 Apr
Try a Digital-Free Day Trip and Escape to the Outdoors

If we were to find ourselves without our phones unexpectedly most of us would feel very vulnerable and lost. It's become all too easy to become over-reliant on the tools on our smartphones, leaving us seriously doubting our ability to cope without them. But combatting digital dependence is easy and can be fun, educational,...

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