02 Aug These three clever tricks will help get you off your phone These three clever tricks will help you put your smartphone down and develop a healthier, happier, relationship with tech.... Share on:
10 Jan Six Simple Steps to Beat Your Tech Addiction Six simple ways to help you beat your tech addiction and develop a healthier relationship with tech. Will you give them a go?... Share on:
11 Dec Technoference: What it is and How to Stop Doing it. The intrusion of phones into our daily lives causes “technoference” to escalate - interruption to conversations caused by a device. Guilty?... Share on:
01 Nov The Problem with Group Chats Every day we find that what we do and say on 'private' group chats (both at work and at home) can cause issues. In short, there is a problem with group chats.... Share on:
21 Oct Should We Have A Right to Disconnect from Work? Twenty-four hour work culture is being questioned by those who are asking a fundamental question: do we have a right to disconnect?.... Share on:
16 Oct Make your own Social Media Outage Enjoyment of the recent Facebook outage shows that we shouldn’t just wait for the unexpected: we can create our social media outage.... Share on:
10 Oct World Mental Health Day 2021: Mental Health and Tech World Mental Health Day is the perfect time to re-examine our relationship between tech and our mental health.... Share on: