#SummerUnplugged Digital Detox Challenge

digital detox challenge: summer unplugged

19 Jul #SummerUnplugged Digital Detox Challenge

Our Digital Detox Challenge series is designed to find inspiring ways to introduce a bit of online:offline balance in your life. We hope there’s a challenge that inspires you to give logging-off a go!

The sun has finally made an appearance this week in the UK and we can happily say that summer is here. Summer is our favourite season and it’s the perfect time to put down technology and properly connect with family and friends and rediscover the pleasure of life without being glued to your phone.

At Time To Log Off, we don’t expect you to put a ban on all things tech (we do understand you need them… sometimes) but we do want to promote a healthy balance between our lives online and our ‘real’ lives offline. We believe that disconnecting from the digital world is what helps us reconnect with our loved ones and ourselves. We help people do this through digital detox retreats, but this summer we’re challenging you at home to make some changes to help you step away from your phones.

Simply print out our #SummerUnplugged challenge and get started today. Good luck and be sure to let us know how you got on using the #SummerUnplugged hashtag online!

Summer Unplugged Challenge

#1 Create summer ‘no-go’ areas for phones

reasons to make meals no-tech

Creating zones at home that are phone free is a great way to reduce tech time when you’re unable to go out and explore. We suggest that you start with family meal times, there are plenty of reasons why all meal times should be tech free and we think this summer is the perfect time to start.

#2 Go for a trip as a family and leave all digital devices at home

Get the whole family and go on a trip together, whether it’s a picnic in the park or a day trip to the beach you need to commit to leaving all of your digital devices behind and spending the day having fun together as a family.

#3 Buy alarm clocks for the whole family

6 reasons to ban your smartphone from your bedroom

Keeping your mobile phone out of your room at night and replacing your phone with a real alarm clock will improve your sleep. Not only is it harder to snooze your alarm each morning but it will also stop your endless scrolling at night and reduce your exposure to blue light.

#4 Come up with individual unplugging goals

Setting up goals is a great way to keep track of your process throughout the challenge but it will also help to push you and keep you going. As a suggestion, parents might turn off work email at home each night for the summer, and kids might promise to only spend an hour a day on their games consoles.

#5 Log-off from social media for your family holiday

Going on holiday this summer? The challenge can still continue. Agree to log-off from social media during the holiday and don’t share any updates until you’re home. We know posting that stunning beach pic on Instagram seems important but it can wait. Try to focus on the moment and spend time with your family.

#6 Get outside more

digital detox for the mind and body

We don’t get much of a summer in England, so when we do it’s important to make the most of it. This is easy to do when it’s sunny, you can simply take the dog for a walk or take a trip to the local park. But it’s a good idea to make an effort to get outside,  no matter what the weather is like as it will make it easier to resist screens.

#7 Agree to support each other

We all slip up from time to time but it isn’t the end of the world. If you see one of your siblings or even your parents on their phone when they shouldn’t don’t shout at them. Just encourage them to carry on with the challenge and help get them back on track.

We hope you enjoy the challenge, you’ll love the benefits. We promise!

#SummerUnplugged Digital Detox Challenge
Article Name
#SummerUnplugged Digital Detox Challenge
This summer we're challenging you at home to make some changes to help you step away from your phones.
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Time to Log Off
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